Friday, September 23, 2016

Contamination, Compensation and Corruption

Most young parents don't remember when MMR vaccines didn't exist and when virtually all children contracted measles, rubella, mumps, chickenpox and pertussis, and as a result they developed life long immunity.

In a perfect world, no one would suffer and these diseases would be eradicated. However, it seems we may have put too much trust in the ever-increasing vaccine schedule to achieve this goal.

The problem was greatly compounded in the U.S. by the 1986 National Childhood Vaccination Injury Act, which shockingly was meant “to reduce the potential financial liability of vaccine makers due to vaccine injury claims.”

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was subsequently created “to provide a federal no-fault system for compensating vaccine-related injuries or death by establishing a claim procedure involving the United States Court of Federal Claims and special masters.”

In other words, when the vaccine manufacturer makes a mistake, which has happened before and will happen again, you have to go to a special vaccine court and you aren't even allowed to sue the manufacturer directly. Many countries other than the U.S. have similar arrangements.

Without the burden of possibly damaging litigation, this seems to remove an absolute incentive for safety and responsibility on the part of the manufacturers and their product.

One of the reasons that vaccine manufacturers should be held completely accountable is that contamination of vaccine stocks are disturbingly common, and this includes organisms such as SIV, mycoplasma, pestivirus, cytomegalovirus and SV40.

SV40 is of particular note, because millions worldwide were exposed to the cancer-causing virus beginning in 1955 as the result of contaminated polio vaccines. The story behind this tragedy is quite shocking and a more detailed account is included in the section on polio.

Studies by Michele Carbone and others have demonstrated a profound link between SV40 virus from vaccines and mesotheliomas and osteosarcomas, as well as numerous types of brain tumors.

Simian virus 40 (SV40) is a DNA virus isolated in 1960 from contaminated polio vaccines that induces mesotheliomas, lymphomas, brain and bone tumors, and sarcomas, including osteosarcomas, in hamsters. These same tumor types have been found to contain SV40 DNA and proteins in humans.

It appears unlikely that SV40 infection alone is sufficient to cause human malignancy, as we did not observe an epidemic of cancers following the administration of SV40-contaminated vaccines. However, it seems possible that SV40 may act as a cofactor in the pathogenesis of some tumors.

One of the most potent cocarcinogens with SV40 is asbestos.

SV40 and asbestos are cocarcinogens in causing mesothelioma in hamster and mice, and in causing malignant transformation of human primary mesothelial cells in tissue culture. In vitro and animal experiments showing cocarcinogenicity between SV40 and asbestos support this hypothesis.

Although many countries quietly banned SV40 once news of the contamination was released in the 1960's, “an analysis presented at the Vaccine Cell Substrate Conference in 2004 suggested that vaccines used in the former Soviet bloc countries, China, Japan, and Africa, could have been contaminated up to 1980.” And according to Carbone's analysis:

The high incidence of SV40 sequences in Italian specimens, for example, is probably linked to the fact that Italy is the only country in the Western world that used contaminated vaccines as late as 1999.
Carbone and co-workers also published a study in 1999 claiming that current testing for SV40 was inadequate.

It has also been demonstrated that those infected with SV40 before 1963 have passed the virus to their offspring (vertical or transplacental transmission).

This is why vaccine proponents continue to cover this disaster up—since knowledge of this mass contamination of tens of millions of unsuspecting people and future generations would devastate public trust in government health authorities and the sacrosanct vaccine program.

These fears were given some credibility when the CDC recently removed the SV40 section on their website.

The CDC has quickly removed a page from their website admitting that more than 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine within an 8-year span when a proportion of the vaccine was contaminated with a cancer-causing polyomavirus called SV40.

Michele Carbone, Assistant Professor of Pathology at Loyola University in Chicago, has recently isolated fragments of the SV40 virus in human bone cancers and in a lethal form of lung cancer called mesothelioma. He found SV40 in 33% of the osteosarcoma bone cancers studied, in 40% of other bone cancers, and in 60% of the mesothelioma lung cancers.

Dr. Michele Carbone openly acknowledged HIV/AIDS was spread by the hepatitis B vaccine produced by Merck & Co. during the early 1970s. It was the first time since the initial transmissions took place in 1972-74, that a leading expert in the field of vaccine manufacturing and testing has openly admitted the Merck & Co. liability for AIDS.

As for HIV, although much of the population is unaware of the SV40 scandal and its implications, many do remember the contaminated haemophilia blood products tragedy that saw thousands of haemophiliacs infected with HIV and hepatitis C in the 1970's and 80's.

Perhaps the most shocking thing about the episode was that the products continued to be sold even when they were known to be contaminated:

Bayer sparked controversy by continuing to sell contaminated factor VIII after new heat-treated versions were available. Under FDA pressure, unheated product was pulled from US markets, but was sold to Asian, Latin American, and some European countries. The product was tainted with HIV, a concern that had been discussed by Bayer and the FDA.

According to Neil Miller, this level of corruption often extends to the safety studies of the vaccines themselves.

Vaccine studies are often funded by pharmaceutical companies with a financial interest in the outcome. Lead authors of important studies that are used to validate the safety or efficacy of a vaccine are often beholden to the manufacturer in some way. They may own stock in the company or are paid by the manufacturer to travel around the country promoting their vaccines.

Lead authors may receive consultation fees, grants or other benefits from the drug maker that contravene ethical boundaries and compromise the integrity of the study. When studies of this magnitude are jeopardized, generations of people—and society itself—are placed at risk.

In some instances, study results may be preordained...tobacco companies used this very same ploy. They financed numerous bogus studies ostensibly “proving” that cigarettes didn't cause cancer. The real studies got lost in the muddle.

At the infamous Simpsonwood conference held in Norcross, Georgia, experts knew that mercury in vaccines was damaging children. They had irrefutable proof—the very reason for convening the meeting. 

However, instead of making this important information public, they hatched a plan to produce additional “studies” that denied such a link. In fact, vaccine proponents had the audacity to claim in some of these papers that mercury in vaccines not only doesn't hurt children but that it actually benefits them!

Perhaps one of the most important shortcomings of the vast majority of vaccine safety studies is the absence of the true double-blind study.

Another ploy used by vaccine proponents is to design studies comparing vaccinated people to other vaccinated people. Honest studies would compare them to an unvaccinated population. In addition, vaccine control groups rarely receive a true placebo, which should be a harmless substance.

For example, when the safety profile of a new vaccine is being tested, one group may receive the experimental vaccine made with aluminum while the “control” group receives an injection of aluminum as well (rather than water or another harmless substance).

When vaccines are compared in this way, that is, to other substances that are capable of causing adverse reactions, the vaccine appears safer than it really is. Whenever this deceptive tactic is utilized, officially acknowledged adverse reactions to a vaccine may represent only a fraction of the true potential risks to the recipient.

However, not all studies are skewed, for example this 1999 study published by the British Medical Journal showed a strong correlation between the haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine to rising rates of type 1 diabetes, concluding that “the potential risk of the vaccine exceeds the potential benefit.”

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